Dominate with Digital Brand Story's SEO Experts

Want to grow your business and attract more clients? Digital Brand Story can help by optimizing your website for better search visibility. This includes effective SEO strategies like optimizing content, building high-quality backlinks, and using relevant keywords. Attract more customers and boost sales with proven marketing techniques.

Improve your website's visibility and attract more potential customers with the help of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) services...

Our specialty is improving your search engine rankings, attracting more customers, expanding your client base, and increasing organic traffic.

Here's what our SEO process does for you:

The Digital Brand Story has helped clients generate over $10 million in sales. Let’s work together.

Increase Your Visibility

We always stay ahead of search engine changes, aligning our strategies with Google's latest algorithms to boost your website rankings. With our SEO tactics, your website can become a digital powerhouse.

Experience Exponential Client Growth

If you aim to surpass your competition, it's crucial to distinguish yourself from the crowd. That's why, when you choose us for your website and SEO strategy, we ensure to customize our services in a manner that can elevate your website's position in the search engines. This can lead to increased web traffic from potential customers, giving your business the boost it deserves.

Boost Your Sales

Increased targeted traffic can boost business opportunities, optimize potential for expansion, and increase sales. Our SEO optimization strategies ensure that the right people find your website immediately!


At Digital Brand Story, we treat all our clients like VIPs and pride ourselves on exceptional communication and quick response time. Unlike other SEO companies, we value your time and build strong customer relationships. Our skilled SEO experts will collaborate with you to achieve your goals. We will make use of our vast knowledge and expertise. Optimize your online presence, and your website ranks high in search engine results. We want to create a website reflecting your brand’s essence and priorities.


An excellent SEO service is crucial for the success of your business in the digital world. The reason is that you will only generate enough income if you are seen. On the other hand, optimizing your website for search engines will give you a competitive edge and make it easier for potential customers to find you first. Our team comprises passionate SEO experts specializing in identifying the most popular keywords your target audience is searching for on Google. We smoothly blend these keywords into your website’s content, which helps you rank higher on search engine results.


We specialize in helping your website rank as the top search result for the most profitable terms related to your business. Our team studies your business strategies, products, and services to create a personalized SEO strategy for your website. With proven techniques for keyword optimization, we guarantee increased website traffic and improved Google rankings.


Contact us for a free consultation. Our team can constantly assess your company’s needs and discuss personalized solutions.

Digital Brand Story is a highly experienced local agency comprising a group of creative experts committed to delivering exceptional results. Our commitment is to provide high-quality services to our clients while ensuring their utmost satisfaction. I will ensure the text is free from spelling, grammatical, or punctuation errors. Excellent service and top-quality work. Trust us with your business!


Kickstart with a Website Assessment

90% of campaign success depends on proper keyword selection. Our first step in local SEO is understanding your business and optimizing your site for search.

  • Our team will work closely with you. “To comprehensively comprehend your business, we need to identify your target audience.”market and competition.
  • Based on our research, we will select the most effective keywords to enhance your website’s visibility and attract relevant traffic.
  • We will also identify potential obstacles impacting your site’s performance and develop a winning strategy to overcome them.
We’ll create an SEO Campaign Roadmap to help you beat the competition. Our strategy considers your website’s structure, code, and digital footprint distribution.
Our expert contributors are at your service, ready to improve your website’s search engine rankings. We have on-page SEO experts, talented SEO writers experienced analysts, and webmasters who can work together to develop an effective SEO strategy for your website.

In extreme cases, we can bring in seasoned SEO experts with decades of successful web experience to help us organize a strategy to help your website dominate the search engines in the shortest possible time.

We will report our progress to you in real time and may require your collaboration to achieve the best results for your local SEO campaign in the long run.

Backlinks contribute to over 60% of search rankings. Off-page SEO signals are valuable because they show search engines that your site is essential to others. Here’s how we create powerful off-page SEO strategies:

  • Our team thoroughly analyzes your online presence and creates a customized improvement plan. We consider various factors, such as your website, social media profiles, and search engine rankings, to provide you with a comprehensive strategy that meets your needs and goals. Local SEO strategy based on internet referrals.
  • We ensure balanced anchor texts and create inbound links through our outreach program, obtaining monthly referrals from unique online publishers.

70% of small market ranking success comes from on-page factors. Our proven strategies maximize on-page optimization for better results.

  • We optimize your website’s technical elements to boost rankings and improve traffic to critical pages.
  • We match profitable search phrases to your site and create SEO-friendly content that appeals to search engines and your target audience.
  • We aim to enhance your online presence, attract more clients, and boost sales.
We invest in advanced technology to offer our clients custom reports that cover over 80% of ROI opportunities
Our monthly reports and campaign analyses include essential statistical data for comprehensive access to critical marketing information about their website and campaign progress.


From Zero To 25,000 Ranking Keywords! SEO Case Study - Finance Industry

The financial industry is highly competitive and lucrative, primarily online. This website approached us with minimal traffic, and we helped them successfully grow their online presence. Through our case study, you’ll see how we increased their total number of keywords ranking, and The estimated value of traffic is over $350,000 per month! The financial niche is highly competitive online. We helped a website increase its keywords ranking and estimated traffic value to over $350,000 monthly.

Website owners wanted to compete with big names. The site, launched in July 2017, had 13k monthly visitors. We handled SEO from Oct 2017. The aggressive plan was created, and the budget started at $3k/mo and increased to $40k/mo with positive results.
The SEO Audit
This website had no prior penalties as it was relatively new. Although we noticed that 7% of its profile consisted of aggressive anchor texts, we were confident we had the budget to diversify it.
"Easy Wins" Keyword Analysis
We found 230 “Easy Wins” keywords ranking in positions 4-30 with volumes between 20-11,000 MS. These keywords are valuable to rank as all have CPC, and some have high CPC up to $20 per click. We’ll focus on optimizing them for a quick traffic boost and consider that many pages rank for multiple keywords. We shared this information with the client, who used it to optimize their pages with LSI keywords and improve their search engine rankings.
Competitive Gap Analysis
This analysis helps us find keywords your competitors rank for, but you need to. We found 1000+ such keywords and identified 3 content types to target with unique strategies.
Category Pages
These keywords are general in nature and have a high search volume. They broadly describe a particular subject.
Product Review Pages
We found valuable brand and product terms through content gap analysis and created revenue-generating content.
Supporting Content
Using a broader category, we created supporting content for high-competition keywords by linking contextually relevant articles to the central theme. The supporting content was usually niche-specific, avatar-specific, or situational variations of hub pages.
Kicking Off The SEO Campaign
We use high-quality links and content to drive SEO campaigns. We shift budgets to more powerful links or content depending on progress.
We use natural white hat blogger outreach and blog content to increase traffic. Monthly spending examples show how we adjust our strategy.
The campaign began with various products: diversity links, guest posts, and content creation.
  • 2X Large Diversity Links
  • 1X Small Diversity Links
  • 2X DA20 Guest Posts
  • 3X DA30 Guest Posts
  • 2X DA40 Guest Posts
  • 7X Blog Content – 1000 Words

During the campaign, we gradually increased the amount of content and incorporated higher- quality links.

  • 5X Large Diversity Links
  • 10X DA30 Guest Posts
  • 15X DA40 Guest Posts
  • 5X DA50 Guest Posts
  • 16 Blog Content – 1000 Words

We shifted the budget towards content after seeing its success in ranking and targeting a wide range of keywords while prioritizing high-quality link-building.

  • 4X Large Diversity Links
  • 10X DA40 Guest Posts
  • 20X DA30 Guest Posts
  • 1X DA50 Guest Posts
  • 40 Blog Content – 1000 Words
The campaign was hugely successful because of its clear strategy, excellent execution, and constant communication with the client. In under a year, the website became a major player in the industry, ranking high for competitive keywords. Its current monthly traffic value is $351,000.
It has over 25,000 keyword rankings, and the traffic has multiplied in the past year.
Our successful campaign resulted from close collaboration with the client, who trusted us to follow our process while working closely with our team to identify high-priority targets. Our team conducted an additional analysis of competitors, providing the client with valuable insights that influenced business decisions.

Contact us today to establish a dominant online presence!

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